Friday, October 22, 2010

Speaking of veggies

Many people don't eat vegetables because they don't know what to do with them and end up taking the "easy" way out and going with canned or frozen veggies. Anyone who has ever had canned asparagus knows that there is something seriously wrong there. Shanna Bertram, our good friend George's wife, has been kind enough to share some tricks of the trade with us. My apologies to Shanna for leaving out the great idea involving potatoes...potatoes are not recommended here at Renegade.

Why not? Potatoes are rich in potassium, calcium and iron you say! Well unless you're a farmer or a marathon runner, you simply are not going to burn those carbs off. We're not anti-carb here, but you have to USE carbs correctly or you will gain weight. Remember that carbohydrate=fuel. If the car is in the garage, then what good does it to keep pumping gas in the tank? Carbohydrate consumption is proportional to how much WORK you do throughout the day. Most people are simply not active enough to include potatoes in their diet. The nutrients you get from a potato do not cancel out the potential negative effects. Want the same nutrients and no worries about the carbs? Spinach. will see that word plenty on this blog. If you don't like spinach, learn. Maybe Shanna's recipe will help.
Now that I've ventured off the subject, back to Shanna's ideas!

Making green beans more exciting:
 (great for either steamed or flash boiled)
1/4 small onion or white parts of 2 fat scallions
1/2 tsp dried Dill Weed
Cook until tender
Tarragon in cooking water if serving with steak
Lemon zest and a touch of dried mint while cooking to serve with poultry or lamb

Fresh whole leaf baby spinach turned in a hot pan with a chopped scallion, a few drops of olive oil  and a TBS or 2 of water just until it turns color. Serve immediately with a small cube (about 1/2 tsp) of herbed goat cheese underneath. The heat from the spinach melts the cheese, as you fork it up the creamy cheese & herbs add just a little extra flavor.

Thanks so much to Shanna. If anyone else has great veggie recipes, email me.

1 comment:

  1. thanks Shanna for the veggie ideas...btw...I'm still going to make my own granola bars....
