Monday, April 4, 2011

Food "list"

I was writing this to a client and it took me so long I decided to post it!

I will make a detailed food list if you need, but here is the gist of it. NO FLOUR. NO SUGAR. NO VEGETABLE OILS.

Make dinners out of this:


1. You can have any meat, fish, etc. Try to buy free range chicken and eggs, grass fed beef, pastured pork.
2. The vegetables can and SHOULD be cooked with FAT! Steamed veggies taste like dirt. Butter, Coconut Oil (for high heat), Olive Oil (buy two kinds, cheap for cooking and extra virgin for salads), Use small amounts of pancetta, bacon or other cured meats to make things like Brussel Sprouts taste awesome. Peas and Corn are high glycemic vegetables and not good for people trying to lose weight. Try to MINIMIZE them as much as possible.
3. Beans (black, kidney, chickpeas, etc) are TOO carby. They are not allowed! Green beans are OK once and awhile.
4. Spice with anything. Sauces CAN contain cream and creme fraiche. Sour cream is legal too. So is Coconut Milk
5. If having salad, any veggies are good. Cheese is fine. NO fruit. NO store bought dressings. Nuts are OK in small amounts. Here is a link to some dressings You can make any of them except the raspberry one ( It has honey and you are not allowed to have sugar!)
6, No flour or bread crumbs in your cooking.
7. No packaged junk. Look at the ingredients...most packaged food items have sugar, corn syrup, or crappy oils.
8. NO dessert!
9. Try to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before the meal, then either sip water or a glass of wine with your meal. Even a glass of scotch or bourbon is fine. Alcohol is not as horrible as people say, but you have to MODERATE it. If you can't drink alcohol without binging, drink water.
10. ABSOLUTELY NO VEGETABLE OILS....Canola, Sunflower, Safflower, Peanut, etc.....Cook only with butter and olive oil at low temps and coconut oil if you are going high temp. Most meats can be safely prepared in olive oil or butter.
11. No pasta. That includes that whole wheat CRAP they say is good for you and tastes like cardboard.
This really is EASY. I had a chicken/artichoke/spinach/feta cheese dish last night and Duck breast with Brussel Sprouts (cooked with pancetta!) the night before. They were both ten times better than whole wheat pasta. Meat and fat are awesome. Carbs are over rated. And if you have any questions about "health", I have truckloads of books that support this as a healthy diet in addition to a weight loss one. The low fat, carb crazy society we live in now is nothing more than a con.

This guy eats high carb/low fat

This guy eats high fat/low carb

 Thanks to 203 for taking this picture!!!! And I had to cut out Michelle....sorry!

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