Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Answers to Questions-Part 1

So rather than write a lengthy FB response, here are the answers to the most recent questions. You will soon find, I can never just say yes or no.

1. Ashley asked if there was a way for her to combat soreness. DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness has been studied very little, but there is some evidence to suggest a proper warm up and yes, a cool down, might assist with it. 10 minutes of light exercise (slow jogging, walking, slow rowing) followed by plenty of static stretching of the muscles used may help. Again, some scientists argue for and against this, so try and see. And always remember that active recovery of any kind will help you, well, recover. At least better than passive recovery (sitting on your ass post wod). If you didn't try to beat DOMS before it occurred, then you want to get blood to those muscles any way possible. Once again, light exercise helps but so do saunas, hot baths, and massages. Cold therapy helps with recovery but not so much with DOMS.

2. Melissa asked if orange juice is legal. All juices are sugar bombs....natural sugar bombs. So juice is all about timing. I love the idea of drinking juice post workout as our bodies are starved for quick carbs. Other than that, if you are not looking to lose much weight, a little juice in the morning is no big deal. For anyone wanting to lose weight, cut it completely. For most people, most of the time, preferred liquids should be water, coffee and tea.

3. One note on Jake's question about almond flour. In general, I think paleo recipes are pretty dumb. They taste like dirt and are often times combined with other "natural paleo" ingredients that just make people fat. I don't care if it's paleo, agave and honey are sugars and if you put a cup in a recipe, that crap isn't training food. Learn to live without buns and pizza. And then when the challenge is over, continue to live without them 90% of the time. Then, when you cheat, eat a real pizza or a real bun.

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