Monday, April 16, 2012

Let it Begin

Challenge starts today Team Awesome. It's only six weeks of your life. So do your team a favor and don't cheat with junk food. No beer Malmberg. Let's show everyone why we are Team Awesome. I want to decimate them the first time around in the challenge WOD and then as they getting their self esteem up and feeling good after six weeks, knock them to the ground again. No mercy in this DOJO! Sweep the leg! I just realized Ana X and Jake probably have no idea what that means...

There is no mercy in this DOJO.

A word on the logs. Give me whatever you can. I DO NOT need exact amounts. I do want EVERYTHING you eat however. So yes, tell me what kind of dressing you put on your salad. That brings me to some more tips.

1. All I have to do is eat meat and veggies, right? Wrong. Deli meat is dirt. Stop eating it. Vegetables from cans are dirt. Stop eating them. Eat food as unprocessed as possible.
2. Try to find the time to cook your own food. Restaurants will not be using good fats most likely. If you do eat out, BE THAT GUY OR GIRL. Ask for the side salad instead of fries. Ask for salad dressing made from olive oil on that salad. Make special requests and then tip your server big. Everyone wins.
3. That reminds me. One of the biggest problems with paleo heads, crossfitters in particular is that they emphasize the meat and veggies but don't cover bad fat. Butter. Coconut Oil. Olive Oil. Buy them and don't use anything else for the next six weeks. Sweet Potato French Fries are not good for you. Neither are chicken wings fried in vegetable oil.
4. EVERYONE needs to be getting carb+protein within one hour after your workout. EVERYONE. Please go buy some whey protein and mix it in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio with carbs. 20 Grams of protein/20-40 grams of carbs. This is a great time to have juice or high glycemic carbs like bananas. I am also STRONGLY encouraging everyone add creatine to their post workout drink. Creatine monohydrate is cheap and works. I always have plenty on hand if anyone need to use some. 5 grams (one scoop) a day for the six weeks and you WILL add lean body mass.

There will be more, but I don't want to overload you! Please post questions to comments or reach out on Facebook. Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. What do you recommend for creatine? And what is a non dirty (deli style)turkey meat? - Brian
